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каждый день!


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О сервере


1. 20 .

2. .

3. . , . , ( ). .

4. , (), . "" , .

5. , , , , . , 60 ( 90 22, Color War, Guild War) . . 10 , 5 . "" . 60 () - ! (, ..), . , , (, , ..), , . , , ( ..), , , .

6. In Vas Por(EarthQuake), Vas Ort Nox(Acid Cloud),Meteor Swarm, Chain Lightning , Wraith Aura, Mass Curse .

7. (stone wall, paralyze, fire, poison).

8. summon npc - summon creature, summon earth/air/fire/water elementals, wyvern call, summon ghost dragon, call woodland beings.

9. hide stealth .

10. magic fish

11. , , , detect .

12. , , .

13. Turn to stone .

14. Curse , Light (Light Mage, Light Cleric, Paladin)

15. (), , . spell Create Food Night Sight. , , , , 2 .

16. .

17. , , .

18. 1 , , , . ( , )

19. .

20. " " . - ( 1 )

21. + magery ( , magic staff) "". .

22. .

23. : .

24. .

25. Detect .

26. .

27. 2- .

28. .

29. , , . ( - , ).

30. hidden 30- .

31. GM kick , .

32. "20" . "20" , .

33. , - , .

34. . , , . .

" "

" "

1. .

2. 11 22 ( ).

3. 30 .

5. :
1 - 60% .
2 - 30% .
3 - 10% .

" "


, .


1. :

Pure Mage
Light Mage
Dark Mage
Light Cleric
Dark Cleric

Death Knight

2. , , .

3. 1-2

4. , , 3-4 , .

" "

1. 0-2

2. .

3. .

4. 30 .

5. 30 .

6. - :
) : armor bonus +30 0.6.
) .
) , , .
) of Power of Vanquishing.

7. :
) (100 ) - "Adamant","Air","Sunshine" .
) - "Excellent Logs".
) .
) -/ .

8. "Greater Explosion Potion" Acid Cloud Potion, .

* 11
** - , .

, , , " " .
, , .

" "

1. 44. , .

2. 6 .

3. , , .

4. .

5. full duble elemination: . , . . , "", , . .

6. .

7. .

"Color War"

1. 24 (32) . 30.

2. , , .

3. , 12 (16) .

4. ( ).

5. 1212 (1616), . , .

6. , 3 (2) , .

7. .

8. .

9. , , .

10. .

11. , .

12. (720 960 ), 240 (480 ) . .


2 ( ) , 2 (). 5 (Capture zone) - 2 1 . ( ) , . 5 . 5 - , 3 , 1 . - "" ( , / ). Fame , Karma , Murders . 30 , 3 ( / ) ( ). 30 . . , , . . newbie, .. , ( , , ressurection , ) .


1.1 ( ) .

1.2 ( ) .

1.3 in vas por(EarthQuake), vas ort nox(Acid Cloud),Meteor Swarm, Chain lightning , wraith aura, mass curse .

1.4 .

1.5 , .

1.6 - , .

1.7 (stone wall, energy field).

1.8 - (!)

1.9 . , : 1) ; 2)

1.10 Tpvp Tpvp , .

1.11 Turn to stone, Magic fist - .

1.12 Cursed Touch.

" "

" "

2.1 - - .

2.2 Tpvp Spellbook, Book of the earth , Codex Damonium, Sacred Tome :). , , .

2.3 .

2.4 , , .

" "

.tpvpstatus - ( ,, , , (online/offline)).

.tpvpbase - - - .

.tc - .

-. - ( , ). - , , .

" (Equip stone)"

" "

3.1 : 10-15 ( , ).

: +1 ;
1 : +3 ;
5 : +2 +4 ( );
: -1 .

" " Tpvp

" "

1) :
-swords (katana,kryss,claymore,bastard sword, broad sword) 1
-axes (large battleaxe, war axe, executioner's axe) 1
-pole weapons ( halberd, bardiche, naginata) 1
-others (war fork, war mace ,hammer pick) 1
-bows (ash bow, composite bow, firebow) 1
-crossbows( crossbow, heavy crossbow, granquin) 1

2) :
-dwarven platemail set+heater shield( dw. platemail gloves, dw. platemail arms,dw. platemail legs, dw. platemail breastplate, platemail gorget, dwarven platemail helm) 3
-gnomish chainmail set+heater shield( gn. chainmail leggings, gn. chainmail tunic, gn. chainmail coif, platemail gorget, platemail helm, platemail gloves) 2
-ringmail set(ringmail leggings, ringmail tunic ringmail gloves,ringmail arms, studdied gorget, leather cap) 1


1) (x1) ( +1 damage mod.) 1
2) (x5) ( +5 damage mod.) 5
3) (x10) ( +10 damage mod.) 10
4) (x1) (+3 armor mod.) 1
5) (x5) (+15 armor mod.) 5
6) (x10) (+30 armor mod.) 10
7) Quality (+0.1) 1
8) (, heater) Daemon-Hide 7
9) +5 Magic Resistance skill 5
10) (, heater) Power-Hide 7
11) Magic Factor 0.3 ( 0.9), leather cap, fancy dress, boots. 6


-standart GH set(4 greater heal potions) 1
-large GH set(8 greater heal potions) 2
-standart GM set(4 greater mana potions) 1
-large GM set(8 greater mana potions) 2
-greater exlosion set (4 GE) 1
-large greater explosion set (8 GE) 2
-mix ( GI x 8, GC x 6, FR x 8, NS x 6) 4

*GH = Greater heal potion
*GM = Greater mana potion
*GE = Greater explosion potion
*GI = Greater invisibility potion
*GC = Greater cure potion
*FR = Full refresh potion
*NS = Nightsight potion


- 2 ( )
- abilities+ 1
- standart(50*8 main reagents) 1
- standart+light(50*8 main reagents + 50*2 additional) 1
- standart+dark(50*8 main reagents + 50*3 additional) 1
-bandages (50 ) 1
- L ( 100) 2
- XL ( 200) 4
- (150 ) 1
- (150 ) 1
- (150 ) 1




Статус сервера



Подробный статус

С понедельника убито:
Игроков: 165
NPC: 15600

Расписание PVP

Пон: 21 Underdark, 22 Occlo, 23 Moonglow

Втр: 21 Underdark, 22 Delucia, 23 Bucc. Den

Срд: 21 Occlo, 22 Moonglow, 23 Bucc. Den

Чтв: 21 Delucia, 22 Bucc. Den, 23 Occlo

Пят: 20 Underdark, 21 Moonglow, 22 SWAMP, 23 Occlo

Суб: 20 Delucia, 21 Bucc. Den, 22 Occlo, 23 Moonglow

Вск: 20 Underdark, 21 IRIS, 22 Delucia, 23 Bucc. Den

Владельцы замков

Swamp: [Angry Munchkins]

Iris: [saybb]


Pandora Master


[ 19154 ]

О пандоре


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